First Thursday Club: Caring for the carers – occupational violence in medicine

event information
Thursday, 7 March 2024
8:30am - 9:30am AEST
Live session through Microsoft Teams

Healthcare workers dedicate their lives to the treatment and care of patients, including those injured by violent criminal conduct. However, these same professionals are often particularly susceptible to occupational violence.

Our emergency medicine doctors, nurses, paramedics and mental health care workers stand on the frontline in confrontations that may occur with a patient and a patient’s family members and acquaintances. Reception staff at GP and medical clinics are increasingly exposed to verbal abuse. Occupational violence and abuse is unfortunately an increasingly widespread issue across the healthcare sector.

Join us for our next edition of First Thursday Club, where BN’s Rob Samut will examine the issue of workplace violence and abuse in the healthcare sector, evaluate the protective measures currently in place for healthcare workers, discuss what further actions are necessary, and identify the legal obligations of healthcare providers when it comes to workplace safety.

First Thursday Club Series

Our First Thursday Club is a health law webinar series that explores the latest developments, cases, and trends in healthcare.

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