event information
Wednesday, 9 November 2022
1:00pm WA I 3:30pm SA I 3:00pm QLD l 4:00pm NSW, TAS & VIC
Live webinar through Microsoft Teams
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In Barry Nilsson's upcoming webinar, we bring together a panel of health law experts to examine vicarious liability in the context of the health sector.
Barristers, Roslyn Kaye SC and Tim Staindl and BN principal, Scott Shelly, will examine topical issues including common misconceptions, challenges, and considerations when managing vicarious liability claims, particularly in Victoria. Our experts will also analyse recent decisions when addressing the following questions -
- How does vicarious liability operate in the health space?
- What does it mean for an insured employer health service or insured employee practitioner?
- What are the key issues to consider when managing claims?
Relevant to lawyers, employers, and practitioners, this webinar allows attendees to remain abreast of important issues and trends in vicarious liability, from employer and employee perspectives