Injury Liability
The nature and severity of personal injury claims can vary greatly, from complex and sensitive catastrophic injuries through to small claims that can be fast tracked to resolution. Regardless of the size, each claim requires an experienced team that can identify the most effective management strategy.

How we can help
Our insurance specialists provide tailored advice on liability coverage and indemnity issues as well as the management of personal injury claims and litigation.
Nationally, we typically handle 1,000 liability claims each year, and our team has advised on complex class actions and cases that have defined the personal injury landscape.
We regularly advise insurers, mutuals and brokers operating in both the Australian and London markets, as well as self-insured corporations and third-party administrators on liability claims, including:
- catastrophic injuries
- nervous shock
- assault and bullying
- claims involving minors
- slips / trips
- dependency
- dust and latent onset diseases
- workplace injuries and workplace health and safety issues, including investigations and coronial inquests.
We also handle class actions, fraudulent claims, recovery actions and are particularly experienced in managing sensitive claims attracting media attention.
Our approach to Injury Liability claims
We understand that every claim, whatever its size, requires a tailored approach to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients.
While the majority of claims can be resolved quickly and efficiently, others involve more complex issues and circumstances including the interplay of various legislation and jurisdictions, multiple claimants and a range of peripheral issues to be managed alongside the claim.
Tailored approach for every claim, whatever its size
We partner with you to develop a strategy that meets your business objectives
Breadth of experience across industries to talk to your business as if it were our own
Supported by an award-winning, national insurance team
Examples of our work
Catastrophic brain injury
Acted for a Body Corporate and its insurer in defence of a catastrophic brain damage injury claim brought by a plaintiff who had fallen over on wet tiles on common property. We achieved an early resolution of the claim by ensuring a commercial contribution to the settlement, successfully arguing that the majority of exposure rested with the caretakers.
Coronial inquiry
Acting for the owner of residential premises after a balcony collapsed during a social function resulting in a death and multiple injuries to more than 25 people. After proceeding to a coronial inquiry, this highly publicised claim was managed to finalisation without a claim payment through careful and collaborative management.
Sexual assault
Acting for a university student body in Supreme Court proceedings issued by a plaintiff for psychological injury after she was allegedly sexually assaulted while intoxicated. The claim involved novel legal issues and was complicated by evidentiary issues and a reluctance of witnesses to cooperate given potential criminal consequences and media attention.

Our Injury Liability Specialists
Meet our dedicated team of injury liability lawyers.
"The BN team have greater expertise than any other panel firm at being able to find the appropriate balance of managing all stakeholders involved in a claim, irrespective if the stakeholder is the insured, claimant, broker or underwriter.”
Legal 500 Asia Pacific – Insurance, Australia